Results:  Sample Projects

Art in Business

As in art, there are also masterpieces in business.

What makes a masterpiece?  There are as many definitions of art and masterpieces as there are people.  A masterpiece in art is generally agreed upon when it is recognized by experts as portraying a theme in a transformative and original way. A masterpiece is considered by the "connoisseurs" as being the very best of all existing creations in that category. 

Business masterpieces are usually recognized for their impact on business growth and on people as well as for their vision and structural beauty. We had the pleasure to create several masterpieces in the form of strategic projects that earned the highest level of recognition. Other projects were created in partnership with clients. The success of these efforts is a testimony to the peerless talents of the teams I assembled then and today.  

Following is a sample of powerful ideas which became incredible projects. These ideas were chosen because they made a matchless impact on the bottom line as well as inspired profound transformation in people's lives.  There are other examples of strategies or programs that resulted in stellar business outcomes summarized in More Masterpieces and Other Works of Art below. The magical thread that ties all of these efforts together is that despite seemingly insurmountable obstacles we, as a team, achieved exceptional results because we imagined that level of success.  



Photo:  Tiepolo, The Triumph of Marius (1729), Metropolitan Museum of Art, NY